【168sports】Exhibition tour celebrates Olympic spirit|多元呈现世界文明成果,2024奥林匹克美术大会即将举办

王思吟王思吟 体育信息 2024-07-30 32 0

【168sports】Exhibition tour celebrates Olympic spirit|多元呈现世界文明成果,2024奥林匹克美术大会即将举办

A file photo of La Seine Musicale in Paris where the new Beaux-Arts Olympiades exhibition will be held. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Since launching the first Beaux-Arts Olympiades in 2008 to celebrate the Beijing Olympic Games, the China National Society for the Promotion of Arts and Culture has turned this exhibition into a platform of international exchanges by organizing art exhibitions during the Summer and Winter Olympics and touring the world to uphold the Olympic spirit.


The new edition celebrating the Paris Summer Olympics will be unveiled at La Seine Musicale on Aug 8. It will show the works — paintings and calligraphy pieces — by 60 Chinese artists, juxtaposed with over 120 works by artists from other countries and regions.


【168sports】Exhibition tour celebrates Olympic spirit|多元呈现世界文明成果,2024奥林匹克美术大会即将举办

A touring exhibition of Beaux-Arts Olympiades in Rio, 2016. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]


Editor: ChenDawei

Senior Editor: MinJie






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